Sunday, January 26, 2020

Herbert Packer: Crime Control Model

Herbert Packer: Crime Control Model Herbert Packers Crime Control Model and Due Process Model Herbert Packers Crime Control Model of Criminal Justice is More Needed Today Than the Due Process Model of Deterring Crime. In contemporary society, criminal justice is defined as governments policy and legal obligations to ensure the accused and the victim are treated justly by the law enforcement agencies. Criminal justice system, however, varies from government to government depending on the inclination taken by the law enforcers in deterring crime. Indeed the major work of criminal justice is doing justice, controlling crime and preventing crime (Cole, Smith, DeJong, 2012, pg, 126). It is achieved through rules and regulations of justice institutions, arresting, prosecuting and punishing offenders and incorporating the efforts of the citizens in crime prevention. For criminal justice to effectively achieve its goals, the system adopts a model which is constitutionally and procedurally applicable. The most common model is Herbert Packers crime-control model and due process model. Crime Control Model According to Bibas (2012, pg, 30), crime-control model is based on the need to convict the guilty and do so accurately without delay, and at the same breath ensure efficiency. Law enforcers have a duty to avoid to be seen going against the law, since they too cannot escape scrutiny from the legal representatives of the victims. It is aimed at reducing incidence of crime within the society without considering or curtailing accused individuals rights. It increases the prosecutorial powers of law enforcement agencies and believes that crime can be reduced by arresting and punishing the offender. Jaishankar (2009, pg, 261) explains the crime control model as the suppression of criminal activities without any delays, it allows for extrajudicial processes so long as the offender is convicted. In this model, societal comfort overrides individual rights and, therefore, the government is obliged to do anything to protect the society. The failure of the law enforcement agencies to eliminate th e occurrence of criminal conducts is viewed as a lapse in public order and deterioration in human freedom (Jaishankar, 2009, pg, 261). In order for the crime –control model to achieve its intentions, efficiency must be paramount within the criminal justice system. The system should have the capacity to apprehend, try, convict and dispose of criminal of offenders. Unlike the due process model, the crime control model is swift, since it works prior to an actual crime (Purpura, 2011, pg, 164); the governments burden of proof is minimal compared to other models (Hall, 2014, pg, 337). The Due Process Model The due process model places emphasis on the integrity of human rights, factual guilt and the fairness of the process (Hall, 2014, pg, 336). It combines the liberal criminology and the general procedural fairness for the accused, since his arrest, through the prosecution (Siegel, 2008, pg, 478). Generally, this model is founded on the need to adhere to individual justice, treatment and rehabilitation of the guilty. Whenever discretion in the criminal justice exists, then the accused civil rights should be protected in all circumstances (Siegel, 2008, pg, 478). The most important consideration in the due process model is the supreme protection of individual rights; other efficiency factors like cost, speed, identifying and punishing offenders are a secondary consideration. Compared to the crime control model, due process model has a cumbersome process with low efficiency; the conviction standard is legal and factual and, therefore, the burden of proof must be convinced beyond doubt. ( Hall, 2014, pg, 337). Although the government has a high burden of proof, it has a leeway to intrusions; for instance, it requires minimal evidence to institute a search for a property than bind a defendant over to trial (Hall, 2014, pg, 337). Advocates for this model are protectors of civil rights and often view law enforcement officers as violators of constitutional rights (Siegel, 2008, pg, 478). There is a notion that the minority and the poor are subjected to unfair treatment by the law. This perception is triggered by statistical data that indicate the poor and the marginalized groups are the most maltreated in the criminal justice system. It aims at protecting citizens from those who punish and treat them without regarding their constitutional rights. Many situations have been documented showing defendants who lacked resources suffering a wrong conviction only to be exonerated later when DNA is done (Siegel, 2008, pg, 478). In summary the due process model centers on accuracy in freeing the innocent, fairness and rights (Bibas, 2012, pg, 30). Parkers crime – control model and the due process model are valuable and enable civil forfeiture to be understood and analyzed (Jaishankar, 2009, pg, 261). However, the two models have teething problems noted, firstly, crime control is the ultimate goal of criminal justice and, therefore, anything contrary to that tempers with this goal (Jaishankar, 2009, pg, 262). Secondly, the due process model should not be compared with crime –control model because the former facilitates the achievement of the latter (Jaishankar, 2009, pg, 262). In the due process model the accused is perceived innocent until proven in a court of law, unlike the crime control model where the arrested should be punished. Supporting Crime – Control Model to Deter Crime Today In the two models, crime control model is more needed now that due process model in deterring crime. Research has indicated that criminal activities are on the rise globally than ever recorded in the history of man. Lynch (2004, pg, 59) indicates an increased incidence of crime reported in the unified crime reports in the United States of America. These statistics can be used to give a global projection of crime rate; increasing rate of crime in the USA can be extrapolated to indicate an increase in crime rates in the world. This is exemplified by the different technology oriented crimes like cyber- bullying, theft of information from the internet, identity theft, credit card fraud, bank fraud, telemarketing fraud, counterfeiting and terrorism all are new types of crime bein experienced globally. In addition, transnational crimes have increased due to relative free movement of people across countries. This scenario indicates a clear need to have efficient and reliable mechanisms of d ealing with this trend; such mechanism can be employed by the criminal justice system by adopting crime- control model. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reports that due to increase in crime the office was established; it helps in capacity building of policy makers, practitioners in the area of crime prevention, experts, civil society and media in fighting the new wave. Indeed, certain individual rights must be sacrificed for the sake of the greater good. Since the inception of the term ‘War on Crime many crime control strategies which include increased patrols in high crime areas, traffic stops, undercover sting operations, aggressive raids and wiretapping surveillance has been employed. All these activities have minimal consideration of individual raids, but ultimately the society benefits more by peaceful existence. Like any other war, the fight against crime has causalities; however, the society eventually lives in peace. The proponents of due process model ignore the fact that the society is greater than an individual is. In any society, the guilty should not be protected at the expense of the innocent. For example, in America after the September 11th terrorist attack, many lives were lost and suffering caused due to the terrorist plans, the government had to make a decision whether it is prudent to protect the rights of a few individuals or to ensure the safety of all Americans. It is important to recognize that on numerous occasions people are faced with ideological challenges to make decisions about. One such issue occurred after September 11th when it was mandatory to identify, search and eliminate terrorists. The society due to increasing crime rates has complained about the polices pace of conducting investigations. This is a weakness of the due process model, particularly if the police are not certain whether a crime was committed (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2004, pg 78). Sometimes prosecutors face challenges were substantial evidence against the defendant is lacking, but the accused committed the crime; under due process model, such accused should be exonerated (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2004, pg 78). Most of the accused released due to lack of credible evidence continue perpetrating crime in the society, however, some of them are threatened and intimidated. In the old adage, two wrongs do not make a right one would argue that denial of the accused individual rights is not right even if he indeed has done wrong. Importantly, strategies, crime perpetrators engage in are dynamic (Braga, Flynn, Kelling and Cole, 2011, pg, 22), this requires the criminal justice to be dynamic in its approach including being inhuman in some aspects. The latest crime control mechanism, which involved eavesdropping on Germanys chancellor conversations, was an infringement on her individual rights and freedom of association. It led to an international outcry, however, that was part of the contemporary strategy to control crime in an era when criminal activities have evolved. Around the world, there is a criminal justice shift towards crime control model ( Braga, et. al. 2011,pg, 29). This is a proactive approach where suspects prior to committing a crime are arrested, prosecuted to isolate them from the society. Modern day concentration camps exist in many countries, including but not to Americas Gautama Bay, the essence is isolating crime perpetrators and letting the society continue with normal lives. Conclusion Seemingly, compared to due process model, which is more sympathetic to the innocent; crime- control model is dynamic, proactive and helps maintain order in the society. It is important as it is used in contemporary criminal justice systems to deter many people who may have intentions of committing a crime. The strategies employed will enable many governments to efficiently and affordably deter the occurrence of crime in their areas of jurisdiction. Transnational movement of people influenced by the globalization result to many offenders evading justice where they perpetrated. The Crime – control model is suitable in ensuring fast dispensation of justice. References Bibas, S. (2012). The Machinery in Criminal Justice. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014. Braga, A. A., Flynn, E., Kelling, G. and Cole, C. (2011). New Perceptive in Policing: Moving the work of Criminal Investigators Towards Crime Control. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014. Cole, G., Smith, C. and DeJong C. (2012). The American System of Criminal Justice. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014 Hall, D.E. (2014). Criminal Law and Procedure. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014. Jainshankar, K. (2009). International Perspectives on Crime and Justice. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. (2004). (UCR) and National Crime Victimization Survey. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014. Lynch, A. (2004). Understanding Crime Statistics. Web. Accessed on 14.5.2015 Purpura, P. (2011). Terrorism and Homeland Security: An Introduction with Applications. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014 Siegel, L. (2008). Criminology. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (Ned) Crime Congress. Web. Accessed on 15.5.2014

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Case Study About Google Essay

DECLARATION The work contained in this assignment is my own and that all materials and sources used have been acknowledged. I/We have not copied or colluded in part or in whole, or otherwise plagiarised the work of other students. This assignment has not been submitted for previous assessment in any other subject or to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other unit, module, degree or diploma of a university or any other institute, except where due acknowledgement is made in the text. I/We confirm that I/we have read, understood and followed the guidelines for assignment submission and presentation provided by the lecturer. I/We understand that this assignment may be retained on the database and used to make comparisons with other assignments in future. I/We have made a copy of my assignment This work may be photocopied and/or communicated for the purpose of identifying plagiarism. I/We give permission for a copy of this marked assignment to be retained by the faculty of Business Management for the purpose of course reviews by external examiners and to be used as a resource by Majan College. I/We understand that unauthorized late submission without a valid written extension will be marked as per the college policy mentioned in the students handbook page 18 section 18.5. Introduction Google was founded in 1995 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and it was the first popular search engine in the world. They created this search engine so that users can find any website or document on the web based on keyword or exact searches. Google provides free services for their users. Other than the search engine, they can also search books on Google Book Search, news on Google News, videos on Google Video (YouTube) and maps on Google Maps Google has changed the way people look at and share information. This has made them a leading search engine on the web and a global technology leader. Back in the mid 90’s Brin and Page, Stanford University graduates, worked on developing this unique technology. Since then, Google has grown to become one of the most recognized brands in the world as well as one of the top Internet destinations. As of 2013, Google has 16800 employees working in more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe. Their headquarters is located in Mountain View, California, USA. Strategic management has many benefits to an organization. A company’s vision, mission and future goals are set from the strategic process. In addition, strategic management gives managers an advantage in allocating resources efficiently. Moreover, these strategies help give the firm a competitive advantage in the market. Statistics show that, on average, companies using strategic management are more successful. This assignment will aim to clarify the concept of strategic management in the global sense as well as focus on Google’s strategic management. In addition, the report will identify and explain the internal and external environmental analysis of Google. This means, PEST analysis, SWOT analysis and Porters Five Forces will be  explained in details. Literature Review Strategic management is defined as the process by which managers of the firm analyze the internal and external environments for the purpose of formulating strategies and allocating resources to develop a competitive advantage in an industry that allows for the successful achievement of organizational goals. Strategic management has an impact on initial goals, actions and recourses. Goals are set by managers to be completed within a certain period of time. Action plans must be clear to the group and they should start working on their targets accordingly. Recourses cannot be managed and allocated without proper understanding of goals and actions. Strategic decisions are taken by managers to help an organization reach its goals in the short term and long term development and future direction of the company. There are two processes that help the organization in evaluating their position in the market. Internal environment i.e. SWOT analysis (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threa ts) is used to analyze the internal processes and structures of a business. Its implemented after the external environment (PEST analysis) are analyzed and clarified. External environment processes include the porter’s five forces that analyze the nature and extent of the competition within the industry. Macro environment are the changes in the industry in regards to political-legal, economic, technological, and social systems. Google’s business strategy has been proven to show that they follow the strategic management process and they are extremely successful at it. High brand value, high market share and complete control over the market show that Google’s business strategy should be a role model to all other companies. PEST Analysis of Google Inc. PEST analysis is used to determine the political, economical, social and technological factors in an external environment of an organization. These factors affect an organizations activities and performances. After researching Google’s macro economical factors using the PEST analysis model, the following was concluded: 1. Political Factors: Government stability is one of the major aspects in Google’s strategy. If the  market is stable, governments help businesses and so these businesses advertise more on Google, hence, benefitting Google. In addition, most of the governments do not have identified laws for online information sharing, thus, giving Google the opportunity to manipulate laws. However, China has created a barrier for Google by adding regulations that forbid Google from operating on their terms. For example, according to UKessays (2013), â€Å"Chinese Government launched a surveillance system called Golden Shield for monitoring civilian use of Internet.† On a positive note, most of the political factors affect Google negligibly. Some of these factors are taxation polices, employment laws and environment protection laws. 2. Economic Factors: Gross domestic products (GDP) have been on the rise since a very long time. They are increasing annually at the average rate of 3.20% reaching a high level of 17.20% at times. Countries like South Africa, India, China and United Kingdom have had increases in their GDP each year since the 70’s and this is a positive factor on Google. With the stable and continued growth of those countries, Google’s internal and external investments will always be high in numbers. Users search more; hence more advertisements are put on Google’s search engines. The amount of users around those counters can impact on Google positively and lead them to establish better services and more products for their users leading the it being a strength to Google economically. Interest rate can have a positive or negative impact on any organization. These impacts are decided depending on a company’s dealings. Google is a company that relies on investments, this means when interest rates i ncrease gradually in a country, Google benefits. In UK, the rate average is set to about 8.2%, in USA it stands at 6.1%, in South Africa at 13.3%, in India at 6.6% and in China at 6.4%. These numbers mean that companies in that region of the world will be able to take out loans and invest or support their company. The more companies have money, the more they will be willing to spend on advertisements; hence doing that through Google. This increases opportunities for Google in these markets. Inflation rate is a problem for the customers or buyers. However, companies benefit from it and it increases their overall income. In the past few years, USA, UK, India, China and South Africa have all recorded an average increase in  inflation rate of 2.5-9.5% annually. This means that raw materials in these countries are becoming more expensive every year. This causes the companies to increase the prices of their products and getting more cash out of it. This causes Google’s advertisements to increase as well as the number of clicks for each ad. The result is more profits for Google from these countries. 3. Technological Factors: In analyzing the technological factors affecting Google, the key aspects to consider are the level of basic infrastructure, rate of technological change, new discoveries and development, government spending on research, access to newest technology, technology incentives and technology legislations. Google is described as a technological company that helps innovate and improve the world with its new development. Technological factors play a major role in a company like Google and it is part of the company’s competitive strategy. Google is not only a search engine; it also provides many services, tools and products free of charge through Google’s IT infrastructure is a closely guarded secret because it is one of the company’s competitive advantages. Google has up to 450,000 servers spreads over at least 25 locations and it uses a customized version of Linux operating systems to give them control and flexibility in finding new discoveries. The success of Google is mainly due to its innovative concepts and technologies such as Pagerank in their search engine, Adwords as advertising system, AdSense program, Gmail, Google Spreadsheets & Docs, Google Map, Google Froogle, Google Analytics, Google Desktop, Google Earth, Google Gear, Google Page creator, Google groups, Google talk, Picasa and more. All these services and tools are proposed for free with the aim to make a users life easier, efficient, practical and entertaining. In order to remain the best in the field of technology, Google has bought a great number of start-up companies (131) that allows it to benefit from the dynamism and creativity that these companies bring. These companies range in variety of fields such as security, advertising, video, file sharing, shopping, mobile technology and many more. 4. Socio-Cultural Factors: Knowledge and information is a key factor of human development. Google is a  leader of society that is more and more global because its mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful to everyone. Socio-cultural factors for Google’s PEST analysis include traditions, values, societal trends, and society expectation of businesses. These society expectations can be grouped into: population demographic, income distribution, lifestyle change and level of education. Google is not limited to a certain demographic population; Google is a global company that offers global users with global services and global knowledge for free with only one condition of being connected to the Internet. Therefore there is no restriction on any specific demographic, culture or specific income distribution. This gives Google a very strong advantage in the market. Its tools are offered to everyone and hence anyone, anywhere in the world can advertise o n Google and increase their profits. Majority of third world countries that are prevailing with extreme poverty have access to Google through their mobile applications. Google’s culture is to offer users access to the world through a simple finger tap and this information offered by Google does not have a culture or a tradition to follow. This information can be good and helpful to one person while useless or offensive to others. This could be a negative aspect for Google. Google always strive to keep up with the social trends and lifestyle changes of its users in order to entertain and capture their attention with its services and tools while promoting customized advertisement. Google’s infrastructure is built to identifying its users’ trends and habits as well as the use of information to customize their search experiences with related results based on their habits and history. Google’s application memorizes all the data entered when searching for a something and saves personal information for 24 months. In reality, Google sells some information to advertising companies. Globalization of information has a negative impact on societies concerned about protecting their private data. Google has been highly criticized by Privacy International Association and accused of harmful acts towards people’s privacy. In the sense of politics, the preservation of information could lead to Google having better relationships with countries who do not like their privacy being violated; hence, more business and profits. In regards to social factors, Google’s tendency to sell out their customers may harm some of them. At the moment, Google is surviving, but the human race is  ever changing and if people are accepting the privacy violation now, they might not in the future. This could be a threat leading to a weakness in the future. Porters Five Forces for Google Inc. Porters five forces is a key model when trying to determine an organizations opportunities and threats. It is considered to be a tool when trying to analyze a company’s microeconomics. This is the internal affair related to an organization. The competition and power an organization has or can have in an industry. Porters’ five forces are heavily used when someone wants to buy a company and needs to understand the market in which the company operates. Supplier Power In this case, Google has an advantage as it operates regionally and has more than one supplier, if the relationship with one deteriorates the other can take its place. In addition, Google has eliminated competition by gaining the trust of Microsoft. All its tools are operated on its biggest competitor Microsoft systems. However, Microsoft and Apple could change their operating systems so that it does not support Google anymore leading to Google tools not working properly and causing a threat of forward integration. In this case, is it concluded that the supplier power is relatively low due to most of the information on the net being free. Barriers to Entry Niu, Zitong et al. (2012) defines the threats by explaining that in the search engine business, only hardware have switching costs while the service itself has absolutely no switch cost. In addition, Yahoo and Microsoft could stop using Google’s toolbars in their products and rather use their own. This and the fact that a better search engine could be developed and is not out of the question. However, all these negative aspects still do not change the high barriers to entry as all competitors in the market, especially Google, are in a very strong position financially. Competitive Rivalry In this type of rivalry, Zitong et al. (2012) mentions that brand identity can play a huge role in maximizing profits. Google has succeeded in this as their name â€Å"Google† has been added in dictionaries. Adding to advantages of Google, there are no defined government regulations as of yet and so  political environment can easily be manipulated to satisfy their wants. Yahoo and Microsoft are the only other major players and market shareholders. Hence, there is a rivalry between these three players. However, the UN or countries could start making trade restrictions to avoid having an oligarchy. Moreover, rivals in the search engine industry have similar technology and IT specialists in these companies and all around the world are always trying to improve search engine technologies in order to get ahead of the best, Google. Threat of Substitutes No switch costs and buyers preferences to the faster/more accurate search engines are two of the threats Google face. In addition, users are demanding more and better services for free to be loyal to Google. Advertisement revenues depend completely on number of clicks on a certain ad. If the number of loyal customers decreases, the total revenue decreases. Moreover, intelligent employees are rare in the market and losing one to the competition could affect Google negatively. However, these are all threats that are not able to affect Google because as of now all search engines have similar functions and are not considered a substitute product. Buyers Power According to Techwyse (2013), Google are the market shareholders. The pie chart below shows the market share as of July 2013. Graph 1: Search Engines Market Share/2011 The graph shows that Google have more than 75% of the market. In addition, Google is bringing to their users all their demands and for free. In this situation, however, the buying power is medium due to high demand on search engines and due to users relying heavily on search engines in their daily lives. SWOT Analysis of Google Inc. Strengths Google’s brand value stands at $55.317 million as of 2012 and they hold a high market share of 66% in the same year. These numbers, along with their various free services offered to customers, gives them a strong brand image that contributes to its strength. Google’s Strong financial position is shown in their yearly growth in revenues and cash flow. This strengthens  Google because it attracts investors to invest in the organization. In addition, they have many products that are also considered as an asset. The following graph shows the revenue growth of Google between 2003 and 2007: Graph 2: Google’s Revenue Growth Weaknesses On the other hand, in 2012 97% of Google’s revenues come from Advertisement. The lack of income diversification is considered as a weakness. Moreover, Google’s faces many lawsuits and the cost of dealing with those suits is a weakness. Oracle filed copyright infringement in 2010 and MastersObjects vs. Google in 2011 are some of these suits. These cause a decresase in the financial power of Google as well as reduce firm value. Opportunities Google practices forward and backward integration of companies. This means that Google buys out and adds companies to their portfolio. In 2011 alone, the added companies stand at around 25. Also, Google has a huge opportunity of taking over the mobile advertisement market and they have already started by buying out Motorola Mobility. Threats The high intensity of competition from Yahoo, Microsoft as well as traditional advertisement agencies like TV, radio and newspapers is considered as a threat to Google. In addition, Google could face the threat of being out casted by countries due to privacy issues. Conclusion All in all, Google has won countless awards, has maximized on profits, improved services, introduced new developments, eliminated most of the competition and dealt with their weaknesses. It is safe to say that Google’s business strategy is sophisticated but has come out with fruitful results. Although the world is not perfect, Google has more strengths and opportunities than threats and weaknesses. This is even proven on the Internet as someone has joked about Google by saying: â€Å"Only thing Google has failed to do, so far, is fail.† (N/A) References Blatstein, I.M. (2012). Strategic Planning: Predicting or Shaping the Future? Organization Development Journal, Vol. 30 Issues 2, pp. 32. Available at: (Accessed on 27 November 2013) StudyMode (2009). Business Analysis of Google Co. Available at: (Accessed on 1 December 2013) Cox, M. Z., Daspit, J., McLaughlin, E. and Jones III, R.J. (2012). Strategic Management: Is It an Academic Discipline? Journal of Business Strategies, Vol. 29 Issue 1, pp. 27-28. Available at: (Accessed on 27 November 13) UK Essays. 2010. A SWOT and PESTEL analysis of Google. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 13]. BBC News. 2006. Google censors itself for China. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 13] Google Inc. 2013. Google Inc. Anno unces Third Quarter 2013 Results. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 December 13] Matt Krantz. 2013. Investing: Who wins, loses with higher rates. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 December 13]. Niu, Z. et al, 2012. Google Inc. Krause Fund Research, [Online]. 1/1, 1-10. Available at: [Accessed 02 December 2013]. Techwyse, (2013), Search Engine Market Share July 2013 [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 03 December 13]. Ovidijus Jurevicius. 2013. SWOT analysis of Google. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 November 13]. SquareSpace, (2007), Google Revenue Growth [ONLINE]. Available at: http://static.sq [Accessed 03 December 13].

Friday, January 10, 2020

Ethical and Legal Issues on the Internet Essay

Plagiarism is probably the main concern when it comes to blogging and academic assignments. Should it be our responsibility to minimize plagiarism, yes it is. Academic Integrity helps keep higher learning’s foundation strong. That is why it is very important to minimize or even try to eliminate plagiarism. Academic integrity surely includes issues like cheating and plagiarism, copyrights, patents, intellectual property. But it concerns the way in which we present ourselves to the community of which we are a part of. It’s the obligation of students, administrators, faculty, and staff, to come together to educate students for personal and social responsibility. Schools offer to the learning community information about academic and research integrity, the responsible conduct of research, and about the ways in which our individual actions have an effect on our participation with, a vibrant and creative academic and social community. Plagiarism, the use of another’s words, ideas, data, or product without  appropriate acknowledgment, such as copying another’s work, presenting someone else’s opinions and theories as one’s own, or working jointly on a project and then submitting it as one’s own. Cheating, the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials such as annotated or instructor editions of the course textbook, information, or study aids; or an act of deceit by which a student attempts to misrepresent academic skills or knowledge. Fabrication is the intentional misrepresentation or invention of any information, such as falsifying research, inventing or exaggerating data, or listing incorrect or fictitious references. There are ways for responsible blogging; as long as people can be ethical and follow them blogging may become more credible. First Bloggers should check their facts before blogging. It is so simple to produce and share content why not make sure it is 100% facts before sharing. Bloggers should respect all copyright laws, people associate online content with public domain content which can get the blogger in hot water. Bloggers should include links to a more detail source of the material that is being written. Giving credit where credit is due is very important in responsible blogging. The blogger should always reference their sources, this practice is important under an ethical point of view, but also give the reader a place to get the main source of facts.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Jimmy Cross in The Things They Carried - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 835 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/11 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Things They Carried Essay Did you like this example? The things they carried written by Tim OBrien. I decide to talk about Jimmy Cross. This character that happens to be the center of focus in the entire work done by Tim OBrien is Jimmy Cross who works alongside missions. In other work, OBrien reveals several things about the company among them being fear and guilt which he defines as intangible together with tangible objects such as rifles, morphine, and matches. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Jimmy Cross in The Things They Carried" essay for you Create order In these work, OBrien describes the events that led him to the Vietnam War which is the same reason as to why he ends up being a soldier. In the entire character, Jimmy Cross reappears in various stories where his mental state keeps changing to adapt to the surrounding. During the overseas war mission, several members were killing. The author describes how Jimmys teammates under the Alpha Company succumb to death while in the battered field and the impact it leaves behind to the team. He points out the death of Ted Lavender who is a low ranking soldier who was shot while getting out of the bathroom. Lavender used to deal with his anxiety by smoking marijuana and taking a tranquilizer, and Jimmy Cross feels responsible for Lavenders death. When Lavender was killing, Jimmy Cross is in the course of distracting his thoughts of her college crush, Martha. Jimmy Cross feels for Matha were reveal in the love chapter whereby the author goes ahead to indicate that the character perfectly reveals the aspect of love. The reason I choose Jimmy Cross is the fact that he perfectly reveals several aspects of a soldier while in the battlefield. In the love chapter, Jimmy Cross was introducing while carrying the letter from her crush although the letters are not loved letters, and as a result, he wrapped them in a plastic bag and placed them in the bottom of his rucksack. The character perfectly reveals the aspect of patience and anticipation since after he had concluded his daily activities, he would get the letters and hold them with his fingertips and spend a lot of his time pretending to be reading the letters. While holding the letter, Jimmy Cross would imagine the romantic moments that he would be spending with her crush including the camping trips in the New Hemisphere. In some occasions, he would taste the flags of the envelope because she knew that her lips had passed there and he always wished that Martha would love him back just like he did. The thoughts of Matha by Jimmy seemed to occupy th e most significant part of his routine since he always wished that everything would happen as he expected both in his love life and in his career. Jimmy plays a significant role in the chapter since he reveals the aspect of love while on the battlefield and the impact it brings especially after the end of the battle. The reason OBrien includes Jimmy Cross in this chapter is the fact that he appropriately reveals the aspect of hump which he describes as carrying something The lieutenant is reveal as a person who humps his love for her college crush regardless of the mountains, swamps and the distance the lies between them. The intrinsic meaning of the term hump is to march or walk although, in this context, he brings out the burdens that are beyond the imaginations of the characters. Most of the soldiers in the Alpha Company humped photographs and in Jimmy Crosss wallet, he had photographs of his love which he kept wondering who had actually taken them. The photographs expressed frankness and competitiveness which made the lieutenant remember the moments that he has spent will her before getting in the battlefield. With regards to conducting his duties, Jimmy Cross used to be a platoon leader who used to carry maps, a compass, binoculars, codebooks as well as 45 caliber pistol that used to be loaded fully at all times. He also used to carry a strobe light and was typically responsible for the safety of his team members. Being a leader of his platoon, Jimmy Cross had the role of ensuring that his teammates remained safe in the course of the war and had the authority of conducting missions in the most appropriate manner. When Tim Lavender was shot dead while getting of the bathroom, Jimmy Cross feel guilty of the occurrence because he was constantly lost in his thoughts thinking about Martha rather than taking care of his fellow soldiers. This indicates that Jimmy Cross had developed a positive relationship with his team members to ensure that the mission was effectively undertaken. The feeling of guilt seems to have taken a larger part of Jimmy Cross thoughts since OBrien goes ahead. To indicate that twenty years after the death of Lavender, he still feels guilty of what took place in Vitamin Jimmy Cross plays a significant role in ensuring that his fellow soldiers have been assigned the appropriate duties with regards to their ranking in the line of service.